[picture of Jaro]

    Jaro Pristupa
    10 King's College Road	    Phone: 416-978-3278
    Dept of Electrical Engineering		    
    University of Toronto	      FAX: 416-978-3278 (during business hours)
    Toronto, Ontario    M5S 3G4		*note*  x3278 has a FAX machine which
    						(in theory) is smart enough to
						know if there's a FAX or a
						person making the call.
				    Home : 416-751-8715 (with answering machine)

    E-mail:	jaro at vrg.utoronto.ca

    Office:	Pratt Building, 6 King's College Road, Room 374C, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H5

    ***** Note: my old office (prior to the beginning of October 2007) was Room 477.
		Please let me know if you find web references to that office, so I
		can update them...

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